SunRail & LYNX: Train to Plane
Overview: Currently, the SunRail commuter rail system in Orlando does not directly connect to Orlando International Airport (there is a connection in the works, dubbed "Phase 3", but is years away). So, in the mean time, the way to get to or from the airport is via the LYNX Link 111 bus. That route (or "Link") travels from the Orlando International Airport to Sea World via Sand Lake Road and the State Road (SR) 528 highway with a stop at the Sand Lake Road SunRail Station. Schedule: The bus is scheduled to arrive at the SunRail Station within minutes of the train's schedule; Eastbound buses (to Orlando International) arrive just a few minutes after the train arrives, and Westbound buses (from Orlando International) arrives just a few minutes before the train leaves. Fares: SunRail fares are $2 and then an additional $1 for every county line crossed (Ex, start and end in Orange County, the total is $2; start in Seminole and end in Orange or Volusia, $3; ...